They may have a point, but I reckon it's best to be upfront about the fact that I don't want to live with a couple, a student or an unemployed Xbox addict. SpareRoom emails me a list of new potential tenants every day, which is useful, but they also say I should broaden my criteria to get more hits. That done, Hutchinson steers me towards a list of handy tips available on the website to any prospective landlord. If you can sell an attractive lifestyle as well as selling the room it'll make it easier for people to imagine living in the area." As you're in such a desirable area, a paragraph on what's on your doorstep would be useful. "To make your ad better, you should include more information.

"The photos look great so that's a real selling point," he says, encouragingly. I asked Matt Hutchinson, SpareRoom's marketing director, for advice. What about those people who already rely on a tenant and have very little wriggle room? Like me, for example: this time last year, I placed an advertisement on and after showing a lot of people around my humble, but very lovely, flat, including a few certified weirdos, I'd found the ideal flatmate within a few weeks. Fifty-five per cent of all listings on SpareRoom are placed by property owners seeking someone to share their costs. While on, 27,000 more people sought a lodger in 2008 than in 2007, and the company predicts this figure will increase by a further 35,000 in 2009. On another flatsharing website,, the number of adverts from owners searching for renters has gone up 34 per cent in the first quarter of 2009 compared with the last quarter of 2008. So keen are we to get lodgers into our homes that advertisements offering rooms for rent on have rocketed 79 per cent year on year in seven months. The popularity of renting out a spare room is soaring among people struggling to meet household bills and hefty mortgage payments.